object Help: THelp Left = 138 Top = 16 BorderIcons = [] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Help' ClientHeight = 521 ClientWidth = 768 Color = 16744576 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Bevel4: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 360 Width = 753 Height = 153 end object Bevel3: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 272 Width = 753 Height = 81 end object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 136 Width = 753 Height = 129 end object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 32 Width = 753 Height = 97 end object RxLabeltitel: TRxLabel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 265 Height = 25 AutoSize = False Caption = 'How to use the Eurocalculator:' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object RxLabel1: TRxLabel Left = 304 Top = 48 Width = 457 Height = 81 AutoSize = False Caption = 'The most important part of the Eurocalculator is the main editbo' + 'x. Just set the dropdownbox to the currency you want to convert ' + '(the standard currency is Belgian francs) and enter the amount i' + 'n the editbox. The converted values appear immediately in the se' + 'ven convertboxes to the right. You don'#39't have to press any key o' + 'r button to convert as the values shall be updated every time a ' + 'change is made.' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object Image1: TImage Left = 16 Top = 48 Width = 289 Height = 65 Center = True Picture.Data = {} Stretch = True Transparent = True end object RxLabel2: TRxLabel Left = 120 Top = 160 Width = 633 Height = 81 AutoSize = False Caption = 'When you look at the editboxes in this program (there are two: o' + 'ne in the main editbox and one in the exchange editbox) you'#39'll n' + 'otice there'#39's a small button on the right with the icon of a cal' + 'culator. You can use it by clicking on the little button or pres' + 'sing Alt+Down. This small feature provides you with a calculator' + ' to do some basic calculations. Once you press the equal sign th' + 'e value will be entered automatically in the editbox. This preve' + 'nts you from having to do basic calculations on a hand calculato' + 'r or bringing up the standard windows calculator. ' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object RxLabel3: TRxLabel Left = 16 Top = 32 Width = 89 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Main editbox:' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object RxLabel4: TRxLabel Left = 16 Top = 136 Width = 89 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Calculator:' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object Image2: TImage Left = 16 Top = 152 Width = 97 Height = 105 Picture.Data = {} Stretch = True end object RxLabel5: TRxLabel Left = 16 Top = 272 Width = 89 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Convertboxes:' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object Image3: TImage Left = 16 Top = 288 Width = 281 Height = 57 Picture.Data = {} Stretch = True Transparent = True end object RxLabel6: TRxLabel Left = 304 Top = 280 Width = 457 Height = 73 AutoSize = False Caption = 'There are seven convertboxes to the right which show the convert' + 'ed values of the entered amount in various currencies. They will' + ' update automaticly with every change. If the currency you are l' + 'ooking for isn'#39't covered in one of the seven boxes you can choos' + 'e the desired currency from the dropdownbox in just the same way' + ' as in the main editbox.' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object RxLabel7: TRxLabel Left = 16 Top = 360 Width = 113 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Exchange rates:' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object Image4: TImage Left = 16 Top = 376 Width = 281 Height = 57 Picture.Data = {} Stretch = True Transparent = True end object RxLabel8: TRxLabel Left = 304 Top = 368 Width = 457 Height = 153 AutoSize = False Caption = 'When the program is launched it uses the internationally agreed ' + 'exchange rates between the various currencies. If for some reaso' + 'n you want to change the exchange rates between two currencies, ' + 'just click the bundle of money in one of the convertboxes and th' + 'e box saying "EUROCALCULATOR" will change into the box you see b' + 'eside this text. It allows you to enter a new rate for the two c' + 'urrencies shown. The left currency is the same as the one in the' + ' main editbox while the right one is equal to the one shown in t' + 'he convertbox when the bundle was clicked. These currencies howe' + 'ver can be changed in the same way as always trough the dropdown' + 'boxes. When you agree with the shown rate just click the button ' + 'to the right and from then on the new rate will be used for all ' + 'calculations.' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ShadowColor = 16711808 ShadowSize = 2 ShadowPos = spRightTop ShowAccelChar = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True end object Bevel5: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 464 Width = 73 Height = 41 Style = bsRaised end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 24 Top = 472 Width = 59 Height = 25 Caption = '&Exit' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = BitBtn1Click Kind = bkCancel end end